3 Year Old Looks Down From A 7th Floor Balcony. What He Does Next? THIS Is MIND BLOWING!

3 year old little boy named Titus has already become an internet star. With his unbelievable ticks of shooting a basketball, he has left millions of people enthralled all over the world. This video below which his father had uploaded on his YouTube channel in 2013 has accumulated more than 20 million views and counting. You won’t be able to believe this little guy’s unbelievable skill!

In the video, we see Titus performing various trick shots. He starts with a tiny basketball hoop. But gradually, the difficulty level rises and he has to face a lot of hurdles while making a basket. He even travels to a 7 floor building to make the basketball from the top of the roof. Will he be able to make this the basketball shot? Wait till you see it yourself!

This kid is definitely going places. Watch this video below and do let us know what you think about it in the comments below!

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