No one was around when this baby tripped & fell into the pool – then the miracle happens

Is your child safe when you are not around? According to the statists, drowning is the number one cause of death of children under 5 years in 18 states. Turing your back, even for a second is enough time for a baby to reach the water alone. That is why drowning has become a major concern for parents with small children.

This video below features a similar condition where a father is out for a second and his baby finds a way out of the room to their pool. But the only difference is that, this child is trained with ISR (Infant Swim Rescue)/self-rescue technique. According to the video this organization teaches children to successfully flip themselves face-side up and float in the water so that they would be able to cry for help and even avoid from drowning.

A simple negligence can cause great disaster. Watch this video below and share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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